Droste chocolade

Gift package

Hét adres voor smaakvolle geschenkpakketten

If your job is to create Christmas hampers and find the right corporate gifts, and if you’re looking for distinctive and delicious products to put in your hampers, you may like to know that we have more than 30 years’ experience in this line of work, meaning we can provide you with different types of beverages and food products from the comfort of our climate-neutral distribution centre. We also have gift bottles ready to be handed out to your relations, e.g. flavoured-beer-tasting kits and various types of gift-wrapped bottles of wine.

Droste chocolade


As a creator of Christmas hampers and selector of corporate gifts, you naturally wish to offer your clients a wide and distinctive range of hampers. You want to create luxury Christmas hampers with a clearly recognisable theme, or colour-coded hampers, guaranteed to make your customers’ relations happy. We offer various product lines specifically designed for use in Christmas hampers, such as Dutch Diamonds syrup waffles, Beautiful Nuts peanuts, Christmas-themed Wilhelmina peppermint boxes, Christmas-wrapped Anta Flu, Lonka nougat and fudge in Christmas sets, Van Deyck Christmas Peppermints, etc.

Our USP’s

We have a considerable number of products in stock, and closely collaborate with all major premium brands in terms of procurement and logistics. As a result, we are in a perfect position to help those who create Christmas hampers. We offer great prices, are flexible in our dealings with our customers, assign you your own designated contact person and always have our products in stock, meaning we can deliver your orders at very short notice. If you haven’t worked with Van Dijk Wholesale before, you should definitely give us a call and get the full experience yourself!


Are you unfamiliar with our products and would you like to get a taste of them before presenting them to your relations? No problem. We’ll send you some samples, and once you’ve tried them, you can select your personal favourites. All you’ll have to do at that point is tell us how many you want and place the order. Easy, right?

DEF Michiel Kampherbeek Van Dijk Groothandel portretten 14 03 2022 0015 web removebg preview


We’ll be very happy to help you choose the right products for your gift hampers. If you’d like some personalised advice or a quote, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

DEF Nick Rijke Van Dijk Groothandel portretten 10 03 2022 0751 web removebg preview

Can I help you?

+31 38 33 13 869